Artichokes & Trauma: What Do They Have in Common?

Program Description

During this training, participants will explore the origins of and behavioral impact relational trauma has on functioning.  


Equip health care providers, direct care staff and supervisors to identify and treat relational trauma. Participants will learn to differentiate between containment and resolution of the trauma. 

  Objectives: Participants will be able to:

  • Identify the impact of childhood neglect, abandonment, rejection and physical, emotional, sexual, psychological and spiritual abuse.
  • Understand the importance of thoroughly assessing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)
  • Differentiate between client resistance, trauma reactivity and protective adaptation.
  • Identify how and why treatment providers Scapegoat their clients.
  • Identify treatment interventions that are counter-productive for individuals with developmental wounding and preferred interventions.
  • Explore the hidden challenges with containment vs. trauma resolution

What Happens Next?

After entering payment details, you'll be taken to a thank you page and receive an email with login credentials so you can begin watching the workshop immediately!

Payment Details

  • One payment only
  • Payments accepted are all major credit cards or Paypal
  • Email receipt will arrive from either Stripe or Paypal

$69.00 USD

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